Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another number - 75

Well it was a good week! I have now lost exactly 75 lbs! I lost 2.4 lbs this week. I hope that this trend continues and I can follow up this loss with another loss of about the same amount. If not that is fine, but that is what I am shooting for. To that end I will be trying to get in a workout of some sort 6 days this week. This may be difficult as we are headed to St. Louis this weekend. That means hotels and eating out. Hopefully this will not wreck me for the week.


Kathy said...

Amazing, Matt! Congratulations on hitting the 75 pound mark.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Matt!! You have officially passed me up.....we are so proud of what you are doing and I more than anyone know how hard it is :-)

Rick said...

You lost 1 1/2 of a 4 year old!!!! (maybe that is a 6 year old) Great job.

Janessa said...

Congrats!! That's amazing! You need to post another before and now picture!