Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cheat? I think not!

This is not up for discussion. I did not cheat. So what if I wore shorts when I had always worn jeans, so what if I did not where the leather belt I had worn to every other weigh in. I came up with a loss of 2.4 lbs. Regardless I know I made some poor choices this last weekend and I am right back on track and will be working out this week more avidly than ever. I am doing what I can to let my poor judgment energize me for the weeks to come. So there it is 2.4 lbs and still rolling along.

I will say that after a week like this you kinda feel like you dodged a bullet. But I have to tell you you that it does help with the to know even though you may make a bad decision you can still have a good week. That said I feel like I will have changes to make to my habits. More moderation on beer and alcohol and I need to learn that when you fall off plan to hop right back on.

I will post something more later this week. Hopefully a new food find or a recipe. Also I am coming up on 10%. I fully intend to be there this next week... Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! :) Cheating?? Nah, maybe just tipping the scales in your favor. heh heh (get it???)

Thanks for the funny comment, you're a peach! ;)