Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So I am in such an awesome mood this morning that I thought I should look back at where I was at on Jan 17th 2008. I weighed in at 400 lbs. I was sad, angry and afraid. I had no idea what to do. I started to removed the fast food and diet coke from my daily routine and started looking into the possibility of having weight loss surgery. 2 weeks later after finding that my insurance would not cover a surgery I joined weight watchers. Today some 69 days later I am down to 358. I am not slim and trim like I want to be but I am certainly moving in the right direction.

So looking back, what is different and not so different.
I do not eat fast food, the closest I get to fast food is Subway which is one of the only alternatives to the McDonald's and the like.
I journal everything religiously. I used to eat without thinking, now I do not put something into my body that is not accounted for.
I exercise at least 3 times a week. Prior to Jan 17th the last time I seriously exercised may have been 5 years ago and it maybe more like 15.
I still drink beer and liquor. Weight Watchers does not like it, but I have the occasional couple of beers. Sometimes it is a few more that a couple. I account for them and work my butt off to work them off.
I have a ton more energy. Not so much that I do not know what to do with it all. More along the lines of I am not exhausted my noon.
I used to climb a flight of stairs and be winded, Now I jog up that same flight and I am fine.
I feel better about myself. My confidence grows all the time. I am beginning to see slight differences in my appearance and I like it.
I know more about nutrition that I ever have. Before I was unaware or did not care to know how good or bad particular foods were for me.

I am sure I am over looking some things, but that is a short list. 10% is incredibly motivating. I had no idea until it happened last night exactly how motivating it would be. I feel re energized to go out and tackle the next 10 lbs and knock them out to. This has been an incredible beginning to a life long journey. Thank you to all of you for your support.

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